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Which OptiTrack developers tool is best for my custom application? - Knowledgebase / OptiTrack / Developers Tool - NaturalPoint Help Center

Which OptiTrack developers tool is best for my custom application?

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Which OptiTrack developer tool is best for my custom application?

There are three OptiTrack development APIs that are useful for developing a custom application: the Camera SDK, the NatNet SDK, and the Motive API. All of the APIs support a C/C++ interface to OptiTrack cameras.

The Camera SDK provides access to the most fundamental data, such as grayscale images and 2D object information, from each camera. On the other hand, the Motive API also allows control of and access to the backend software platform of Motive. Not only does it allow access to 2D camera images and the object data, but it also gives control over the 3D data processing pipeline.

The NatNet SDK is a client/server networking SDK designed for sending and receiving NaturalPoint data across networks. The NatNet SDK makes the motion capture data available to other applications in real-time. It utilizes UDP along with either Unicast or Multicast communication for integrating and streaming reconstructed 3D data, rigid body data, and skeleton data from OptiTrack systems.

These developer tool can be used depending on the needs of the application. Compare OptiTrack developer tools and their functions from our website

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