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What is the Frames Rate (FPS) setting, and how does adjusting it impact tracking? - Knowledgebase / OptiTrack / Camera Settings - NaturalPoint Help Center

What is the Frames Rate (FPS) setting, and how does adjusting it impact tracking?

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What is the Frame Rate (FPS) setting, and how does adjusting it impact tracking?

The Frame Rate (FPS) value determines the number of images a camera will capture per second. A higher FPS value will record more data within a given time. A lower FPS value will allow for higher exposure values for brighter images and will also reduce the bandwidth, which can help in systems with high network or USB traffic. 

Note that coordinating the FPS value is very important for synchronization with both internal and external devices in the system. The frame rate of the camera group will be limited to that of the camera with the lowest FPS.

Learn more about synchronization here:

Which sync modes (Wired Sync or OptiSync) and camera models are compatible?

Which camera models can be used in the same system?

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