Symptom - No valid license found.
Is the license in the license folder?
Check the license folder in "C:\ProgramData\OptiTrack\License". You should see a DAT file for each license. If you do not see a DAT file, you will need to use the license activation tool to activate your licenses. If you do see all of your license files in this location and you are still having issues, these files may be corrupt. We recommend disabling Windows Firewall and Antivirus before using the license activation tool (only if you are having this issue). If you are on a University network, you may need to register using our online License Tool. This will send an email with the DAT file to the email address that is registered to the license.
Symptom - Unlicensed: Device (Serial Number xxxxxx) not connected to system.
Is the Hardware Key connected to the PC?
A connected OptiTrack Hardware Key is required for Motive to launch. Please check the front and the back of the PC for a hardware Key.
Is the Hardware Key identified in Device Manager?
The hardware key should be listed as OptiTrack Hardware Key under NaturalPoint Devices. If you have anything labeled as an unknown device, this could be the hardware key. Contact a system administrator at your facility to resolve all unknown devices in device manager.
Device Manager: Device Driver Not Digitally Signed
Our drivers are digitally signed with Microsoft. However, customers have experienced issues with Windows stating it is not digitally signed. This issue typically occurs after a Windows update. A system restore should resolve the issue. If a system restore does not resolve the issue, disabling digital signature driver enforcement will resolve the issue. This can be disabled by rebooting the computer and pressing F-10 to enter advanced startup options. Navigate to "Disable Digital Driver Enforcement."
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